1 minute read



Clean Team: Fab Laundry Helpers


Recommended for all types of stains, from chocolate to coffee. Apply directly, then launder as normal. The Laundress Stain Solution, $22, well.ca and amazon.ca.

Rub this scented soap along shirt collars to remove tough stains. J. R. Watkins Castile Soap, $6 each, jrwatkins.com. Available this month! This low-sudsing detergent is designed to rinse cleanly in a single cycle. Tide HE Turbo, tide.ca.

Soaking with this chlorine bleach–free stain remover revives dingy whites. OxiClean MaxForce White Revive, $11, oxiclean.ca.


Blood and grass are proteinbased stains. Choose a detergent or stain remover containing protease, a natural biodegradable protein that will break down these complex stains.


1Blood Soak fresh stains in cold water (warm water will set the protein), then launder. For set-in stains, pretreat or presoak in an enzyme-based stain-removal product, then launder.

2Red wine Pour cold water through the back of the stain and blot with a clean cloth. Next, sprinkle the stain with table salt, let sit for three minutes, then rinse again with cold water. Finally, pretreat with stain remover, then launder.

3Grass Work liquid laundry detergent into the stain, then launder. If the stain remains, apply an enzyme-based stain remover, then launder.

4Ink Place the stain facedown on a paper towel and dab the back of the stain with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, replacing the paper towel frequently. Rinse thoroughly with cold water, then launder again.

5Cooking oil/ salad dressing

Shake cornstarch onto the stain to sop up the oil. Scrape off the excess and rinse with cold water. Pretreat with a stain remover, then launder.

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