2 minute read


By Cari Kraft, Jacobs Management Group

We hope you’re all well, and dealing with this crisis as best you can. On a personal and a business level, this has thrown all of us, and we want to provide whatever help we can. Normally, Motivideos features advice on getting morning meetings off to an exciting start, setting up a positive outlook for the day. Obviously, more is needed now. So here are some videos that we hope will inspire and uplift, from people who really know how to do that.


I’M NOT BIASED! How do you alert your staff to the biases we don’t recognize in ourselves? Here’s a clear and helpful guide to understanding what we think and how we treat each other. How do those “implicit” biases affect our work life, our attitudes toward colleagues, or other situations that affect those around us? PERSPECTIVE To be truly effective at work, we would all like to understand how to use those flashes of inspiration we experience. As much as Simon Sinek is admired for his wisdom, he admits it took him some time to gain the perspective he passes on to others. Here are some of those lessons to use to spark ideas at a meeting, including See the Bagel. WHAT CAN YOU CONTROL? We are faced daily with situations we would like to “control” – discussions with customers, strategies we’re applying – but that’s mostly a fantasy. Here are some insights from Jeff Bezos about how to separate what you can control from what you can’t – and how

to be okay with that. SPENDING TIME AT HOME Working from home has been a major adjustment for most of us. How can you help your people achieve the work/home balance that will allow us to be most efficient? Here’s a meditation on the things we are doing more these days, and how they fulfill us in ways we might not have expected.

Submissions are welcome. If you have one you like, email a link to me at ckraft@jacobsmgt.com.

Cari Kraft leads a team of master level recruiters at Jacobs Management Group, celebrating 30+ years of executive recruiting in the healthcare (pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology) and high-tech industries, nationally. Prior to joining Jacobs Management Group, Ms. Kraft has held positions as a Senior Sales Executive, Director of Business Development and Director of Marketing. She also has deep knowledge of the technology/startup fields, having been in the industry through the rise of the Internet. Ms. Kraft is a University of Pennsylvania/Wharton alumnus holding a degree in economics and decision sciences. Cari can be reached at ckraft@jacobsmgt.com.