The Truth Newspapers - May 2018 Edition

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The Truth ISSN 0311 5975


SINCE 1951

Friday, 11 May 2018 (CE); 25 Sha’ban 1439 (HQ); 23 Hijrah 1397 (HSh); Vol. LXVIII, No. 1 NGN 200

Amir of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji Dr. M.A. Fashola while presenting books to Gov. Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State.

Photo: Bayoor Ewuoso

“Stop blaming only Muslims for the World's Problems”- Khalifatul Masih V T

he supreme World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, has

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The Truth SINCE 1951

frowned at blaming Muslims for the problems facing the world. He expressed the view while delivering the keynote address at the 15th National Peace Symposium organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK. The event, which was held on 17th March 2018 at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London had in attendance more than 900 guests from 31 countries, including 570 non-Ahmadi members comprising Ministers, Ambassadors of State, Members of Parliament and various other dignitaries and guests.

During the event, His Holiness presented Angelina Alekseeva, the representative of Dr Leonid Roshal, a noted paediatrician from Moscow, Russia and Chairman of international charity Fund to Help Children in Disasters and Wars, with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace in recognition of his outstanding medical and humanitarian services During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community would never cease its efforts to spread peace in the world. He

urged world leaders and governments to“change their priorities”and to help ease the suffering of people in developing nations. H i s H o l i n e s s vehemently condemned the international arms trade and said that those nations who were producing weapons being used in war-torn countries had “blood on their hands”. He also said that children born into extreme poverty or in areas of conflict were easy and vulnerable targets for terrorist recruiters. His Holiness spoke of the dangers of extremism amongst Muslims and the

increasing threat of farright nationalists. His Holiness also refuted claims that Islamic teachings promoted any form of terrorism or extremism.

Speaking about the continued efforts of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to spread peace and to promote mutual respect and tolerance, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“Our faith demands us to try and urge people, in all parts of the world, whether rich or poor, whether powerful or oppressed, whether religious or irreligious,

towards peace and justice.” Speaking about global priorities, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad noted CONTINUES ON PAGE 2

that “In recent times, one of the issues that many politicians and intellectuals have debated and campaigned about, is climate change and specifically a reduction in carbon emissions. Certainly, striving to RAMADAN protect the environment and to look after our planet is an extremely precious and noble cause. Yet, at the same time, the





News Stop blaming only Muslims... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

developed world, and especially the world's leaders, should also realise that there are other issues that must be tackled with the same urgency.People living in the world's poorest nations do not concern themselves with the environment, or the latest figures on carbon emissions; rather, they wake up each day wondering if they will be able to feed their children.” Highlighting the longterm consequences of poverty, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad the world must not consider such hardship as other people's problems. “Instead, we must realise that the result of such poverty has severe implications for the wider-world and directly affects global peace and security. The fact that children have no option, but to spend their days collecting water for their families, means that they are unable to go to school, or to attain any form of education. They are stuck in a vicious cycle of illiteracy and poverty that is seemingly endless and hugely damaging to society.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor A h m a d continued:“Frustrations are being preyed upon by extremists, who entice the impoverished with financial reward and by promising a better life for their families. Similarly, the targeting of illiterate youth means that the extremists have free rein to radicalise and brainwash them.” The Khalifaad“Poor nations must not be looked down upon, rather we should consider them as part of our family – our brothers and sisters. By helping the developing nations stand on their own feet, and by giving their

people opportunities and hope, we will actually be helping ourselves and safeguarding the future of the world.” Referring to the rise of nationalism and the threat of the far-right in the Western world, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“As a result of recent terrorist attacks and widespread immigration to the West, there has also been a dangerous rise in nationalism in many We s t e r n c o u n t r i e s , evoking fears of the dark days of the past. It is particularly disturbing that far-right groups have become increasingly vocal and have seen their membership rise and have even made political gains. They too are extremists, who seek to poison Western society, by inciting the masses against those who have a different colour of skin or who hold different beliefs.”Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:“In addition, the rhetoric of certain powerful world leaders has become increasingly nationalistic and belligerent, as they have pledged to put the rights of their own citizens above all others. I do not dispute the fact that it is the responsibility of governments and leaders to look after their own people and to protect their interests. Certainly, as long as the leaders act with justice, and do not infringe upon the rights of others, attempts to better the lives of their citizens is a great virtue. However, policies that are based upon selfishness, greed and a readiness to forfeit the rights of others are wrong and a means of sowing discord and division in the world.” His Holiness spoke of the hypocrisy rooted in the international arms trade and the danger it posed to the world. To boost their national economies,

world powers were selling “inhumane” weapons that were destroying towns and cities and unjustly robbing millions of people of their futures. He saidthat in countries like Syria, government soldiers, rebels and terrorists were fighting one another but despite their divergent interests, they all had one thing in common – that the vast majority of their weapons have been produced externally in the developed world. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“Quite openly and proudly, the major powers are trading arms that are being used to kill, maim and brutalise innocent people. Regrettably, such nations are focused only on attempts to boost their economy and to maximise their nation's capital, without pausing for thought at the consequences. They desperately seek to attain the largest possible contracts to sell destructive weapons that, once fired, do not distinguish between the innocent and the guilty. They proudly sell

weapons that make no exception for children, women or the infirm. They shamelessly sell weapons that engulf and obliterate towns and cities indiscriminately.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor A h m a d continued:“Countless children are seeing their parents being killed in the most inhumane fashion and all they can do is wonder why their parents have been taken away from them. Thousands of women are left widowed, hopeless and vulnerable. What good can come of such devastation? All I see is a generation of children being pushed into the arms of those who seek to destroy the peace of the world.” His Holiness said that scores of young children and teenagers in conflictridden nations were being orphaned through airstrikes. Such youths were bound to react and were being drawn into extremism.“Instead of being in school, getting an education, so that they grow into decent, lawabiding citizens, the only education an entire generation of children is

getting, is how to master grenades or rocket launchers, how to do suicide attacks and how to wreak havoc in the world. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further said:“At the beginning, I mentioned that a major focus of the international community is climate change and a desire to keep the air that we breathe clean. Is there anyone who thinks that heavy bombardment has no effect on the a t m o s p h e r e ? Furthermore, if peace ever does prevail in the wartorn countries, their towns and cities will have to be rebuilt from scratch, and this in itself will be a huge industry that will cause an increase in harmful emissions and pollution. Thus, on the one hand, we are trying to save the planet, yet with our other hand, we are senselessly destroying it. In light of all of this, I firmly believe that world powers are being blinded by shortsightedness and tunnelvision.” He also spoke of the repeated foreign policy errors made by certain Western countries. He

said that the Iraq War had soon been exposed as based upon false pretences, whilst the intervention in Libya in 2011 had proven to be a complete failure resulting in the country becoming a “hotbed of extremism”. The Khalifawarned about the risk of escalating tensions between the United States and North Korea. Even though the President of the United States had recently indicated a willingness to meet North K o r e a ' s l e a d e r, H i s Holiness warned that there was no guarantee of a deal because hatred was “entrenched” on both sides. His Holiness said that even if a deal emerged between the United States and North Korea there was no guarantee it would hold, and, in this regard, he cited the Iran nuclear deal of a few years ago, which he said was now “hanging by a thread”. Thus, he urged the leaders of all nations and their representatives to tread with caution and to pursue diplomacy and strive to CONTINUES ON PAGE 19




The Friday Sermon A summary of the Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V

Taqwa and our relationship with Allah


fter reciting the Tashahhud, Ta'wwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated: In this age, disorder and turmoil has spread everywhere and at every level; home, community, nations and international, in the world. Despite all the progress in this age of science, rationality and enlightenment, mankind is lost in darkness. Mankind has forgotten their Creator and Lord and in pursuit of this world, are heading towards the pit of destruction. Under such circumstances, one may understand, to an extent, why the non-Muslim world is lost in the allure of the worldly attractions. This is because their religion does not present a comprehensive and complete solution in terms of guiding them towards Allah the Exalted. However, one is amazed about the Muslims, who have a comprehensive and complete scripture in its original form, are also in the same boat. This is because, instead of listening to and hearkening to this Appointed One and the Prophet of God Almighty, which would have brought an end to all the disputes, the majority of Muslims have chosen to follow their misguided clerics, who are creating disorder in the name of religion. This is the reason why the Muslim world is being inflicted from all kinds of disorder. Their religious as well as worldly leaders are pushing them into darkness. Taking advantage of this situation, the foreign world, in particular the nonMuslim powers are supplying military hardware and assistance in order to cause the groups of Muslims to fight against each other to promote their own self-interest. Thus, this is a source of great agony and should motivate us to pray for ordinary Muslims, while reflecting on our own conditions, if we have achieved the moral and religious status expected by the Promised Messiah (as). If our practical condition does not reflect that we have reformed after accepting the Promised Messiah (as), then we may fall into the category of those who are engulfed in disorder and turmoil. The Promised Messiah (as) has continuously and repeatedly guided his Jama'at as to what their state should be following the Bai'at [oath of initiation] and has given us practice advice about how to achieve this purpose. Now, I will present various extracts of the Promised Messiah (as), which draw our attention towards these matters. Therefore, we should listen to them attentively. Do not consider it sufficient since you have previously heard or read them numerous times before, because we forget even after having read or heard them. At one place, the Promised Messiah (as) states, “It is necessary for our Jama'at to adopt righteousness in this time of disorder, wherein a gust of misguidance, ignorance and depravity is blowing from every direction. … Observing the slightest loss in worldly terms, they abandon religious aspects and the rights of God Almighty. …. They are overtaken by their personal sentiments at the slightest

incidents… ., the hearts are void of faith and the practical state is not at all visible. This is the very reason God Almighty has raised me so that I may once again develop these aspects. … God did not at all desire for this field to remain baron and for people to remain distant [from Him]. … and for this very reason we preach that you may acquire a life of Taqwa (Godfearing righteousness).” So to be a true Ahmadi, transforming our personal condition is a must. Only then will be able to fulfil our pledge of Bai'at. What is the truth of Islam and how can we obtain it? In relation to this, the Promised Messiah (as) states, “Islam means to completely devote oneself to God Almighty and its essence is true and absolute obedience towards God. A Muslim is one, who devotes his entire being to God Almighty and desires to attain the pleasure of God Almighty without the desire of any reward.… Furthermore, all of the virtues and good deeds performed by him, should be performed with a sense of pleasure and delight.” The Promised Messiah (as) states, “A true Muslim loves God Almighty by saying and believing that He is my Beloved, my Master, my Creator and Benefactor. For this reason, he places his head on His threshold. Even if a true Muslim is told that he will not receive any reward for these deeds; that there is no hell, no heaven, no comforts and no delights, he will still not at all be able to refrain from performing good deeds and loving God.” This is selfless love towards God Almighty,

which the Promised Messiah (as) desires to establish; not for any reward, not for the fear of hell and not in order to attain heaven, rather, one should have pure love for love for God Almighty. One should love God Almighty, even if nothing is received. Therefore, when one utilises his God-given abilities for these objectives and purposes, one witnesses the countenance of His True Beloved. Describing his state of being engulfed in the love of God Almighty the Promised Messiah (as) states, “… Thus, in order to become a true believer, it is necessary to develop such a nature where the love and obedience to God is not based on hope and fear of some reward or punishment. Rather, it should be an innate part of his character. Then this love will itself form a paradise, and this in reality is the true paradise, otherwise none can enter heaven until he adopts this way. This is why I say to you i.e. those who associate yourselves with me to tread this path as it is the true path to paradise.” Therefore, the Promised Messiah (as) himself raised the question as to whether obedience is an easy matter. He states: “One who does not obey fully brings the name of this Community to disrepute. There isn't just one commandment, there are numerous such commandments. Just as there are several doors to heaven where one enters through one door and another enters through another, there are also several doors to hell. It should not be the case that you close off one door whilst leaving another open.” The Promised Messiah (as) then states “Bear in mind that by merely enrolling one's name does not enter someone into the Jama'at, Community. … Love one another, do not usurp the rights of one another, and become completely absorbed in the way of Allah so that He may shower blessings upon you. Outside of this there is nothing.” . The Promised Messiah (as) states that the practical example of this is like when one merely utters 'sweets' and 'sugar but it cannot fill one's mouth a sweet taste until sweet food is not actually consumed. Similarly, to merely utter one's love for God and declare His Oneness is of no benefit until and unless there is the practical aspect to it. The Promised Messiah (as) stated that our Community desires to please God Almighty, therefore give priority to the faith. If you too wish to please God, then give preference to your faith. Your first priority should be your faith. He warned us that if you possess no devotion and sincerity then you are false and, in such circumstances,, one will perish even before the enemy if he has no devotion. God Almighty cannot be misled or deceived, nor can anyone deceive Him. Therefore, it is necessary that you develop true devotion and sincerity in you… The Promised Messiah (as) states that “the best trade is that of faith which will save you from the painful punishment. Hence, I too say in these words of God Almighty: 'shall I point out to you a bargain that will save you from a painful punishment?'. …Those who desire to progress in their knowledge should read and ponder over the Holy Quran. Wherever he is unable to understand something he should ask. If he does not comprehend any meanings he should ask of others and benefit from doing so. The Holy Quran is a sea of knowledge and in the depths of this ocean are large precious pearls and priceless gems.” On one occasion, while drawing the attention of the Jamaat towards Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness) , the Promised Messiah (as) states: “I have been commissioned in order to establish righteousness. The field of piety is deserted. Righteousness should be practiced instead of raising the sword. The whole world will support you if you practice Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness). Therefore, attain righteousness.” On one occasion whilst directing our attention towards increasing one's spirituality, and increasing one's religious knowledge, the Promised Messiah (as) stated: “ A disciple cannot attain any benefit by merely saying: 'I have a connection with my mentor'. Until he acts upon that which he is taught.” To say that 'we have taken the oath of allegiance, we have become Ahmadis' or that 'we are born Ahmadis' will not amount to any benefit until you obtain the knowledge yourself. There will be no benefit of being a born Ahmadi or otherwise if you do not increase your religious knowledge.




News Ahmadiyya Jama'at Visits The New Sarkin Bwari


he Ahmadiyya Highness, AlhajiAwwal President presented the F a t h e r a s w e l l a s Muslim Jama'at, Musa Mohammed Ijah- message of the Amir members of the Bwari Nigeria recently Koro, the SarkinBwari. s a h i b , D r . Traditional Council, in the palace. Dr. Busari said they were in the palace to deliver the message of the Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in Nigeria, first to commiserate with the Chief on the demise of his late father Alhaji Musa Ijah-Koro who was a very good friend of the Jamaat and to pray for Allah to grant him AlJannatul Firdaus. In his letter to the new Chief read by Dr. Busari, Abuja Circuit President Dr. Latif Busari Presenting Jama’at literature to the Emir the Amir recalled the p a i d a During the visit, the Mash'udFashola to the l o n g - s t a n d i n g congratulatory/courtesy Ahmadiyya delegation, newly turbaned Chief. r e l a t i o n s h i p o f t h e call on the traditional led by Dr. Abdullatif The delegation was Jama'at with the former ruler of Bwari, His Royal Busari, the Abuja Circuit received by the Royal Emir whom he described

as a man of dignity, peace and loving personality and a traditional ruler who exemplified the tenets of true Islam. Dr. Busari said the second purpose of their visit was to congratulate and felicitate with the Chief on his elevation to the royal seat of Bwari, stating that his ascension to the throne is no doubt as a result of his sterling qualities which endeared him to his people. Reading further from the letter, the Amir prayed that Almighty God will bless the dynasty and elevate the Emirate to a centre of moral and spiritual excellence, as well material prosperity, peace and security.

Responding, the Emir expressed great delight at the gesture, noting that he has heard very good things about the Jamaat. He said he is looking forward to having the same purposeful relationship with the Jamaat like his late father. He said the doors to his palace are opened anytime the Jama'at wishes to consult with him. The visit ended with presentation of few books, calendars and copies of 'the Truth' Newspaper to the Emir.

Ojodu circuit holds maiden Aminul-Quran


jodu circuit r e c e n t l y organised its first graduation ceremony for students of its Quranic class. The Aminul-Quran was held on January 7, 2018 at K & K Events Center, Dan Karo Estate, Ojodu Lagos. The Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, Nigeria; Alh. Mosh'ood A. Fashola was represented by the National Secretary Ta'aleemul Qur'an; Bro.

AbdulHakeemAkintobi who chaired the occasion. D r . S a ' e e d O . Timehin,National Secretary Tabligh, was the Special guest of honour. The guest lecturer; Alh. MuhammadulWaizApoo yinspoke on “Excellence of the Holy Qur'an”. He gave his exposition by explaining the beautiful teachings of the Holy Qur'an as compared to otherreligious books. After the lecture, the 14

graduands (9 malesand 5 females) were called one after the other to read from the Holy Qur'an. To determine the competency of the graduands, a random call of chapters of the Holy Qur'an was called given to each of them to read and also do the ahkamuttajweed (the set of rules governing the way in which the words of the Holy Qur'an should be pronounced during its recitation) of what they

have read. The representative of the Amir, Bro. AbdulHakeemAkintobi spoke on theimportance of giving our children quality Quranic and Islamic education. He says therein lies knowledge of all things as it is a divine book. Earlier in his welcome address, the circuit President, Alh. AbdulHakeemArowoser eenumerated some of the achievements of the

Circuit since it was created from Agege circuit about two years ago. He commended the efforts of the graduands and their handlers. He also appreciated the sacrifices made by parents and all the members of the Jamaat. Other dignitaries at the event were the National Secretary TarbiyyaAlh. M urtadhaShittu, the National Dhiyafat Secretary, Bro AbdurRahmanAdetunji,

the Jalsa Planning O f f i c e r , AlhMufadhilBankole, the Chief Imam Ojodu Central Mosque, MuallimAbdulQahharOl owonmi, the Sadr LajnaDr BasiraDikko, and the representative of t h e S a d r MajlisKhuddamulAhma diyya Nigeria. Certificates were presented to the graduands atthe end of the programme.

Chairman of the Majlis Khuddam, (Qaid Ilaqa), Abdul Hakeem Awe, were selected from six Dil'a (districts) within Ibadan, namely, Apata, Omi Adio, Ibadan central Coca-Cola, Monatan and Oluyole/Ona-Ara.


Ahmadi Youths keep saving lives Olanrewaju AbdulQuadri, Ibadan Members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria (Ahmadiyya M u s l i m Yo u t h s organization), Oyo state chapter has once again extended their welfare services to two key health facilities in Ibadan. A total of one hundred and eighty pints of blood was donated to both the University College Hospital and the National

B l o o d Tr a n s f u s i o n Centre, all in Ibadan. The blood donation was made on 17th of March, 2018 during which 94 pints were donated at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan while 86 pints were donated at the National B l o o d Tr a n s f u s i o n Service (NBTS) centre. The donor team, which was led by the Oyo State







News Algerian woman denied French citizenship over handshake


French appeals court has upheld a ruling denying an Algerian woman citizenship after she refused to shake the hand of a senior official.The woman, who has not been named, said her "religious beliefs" prevented her from shaking the hand of the

male official in the citizenship ceremony. A government ruling said it showed she was "not assimilated into the French community" and d e n i e d h e r citizenship.She appealed, but France's highest administrative court upheld the ruling. The Algerian woman has

been married to a French man since 2010. At her 2016 citizenship ceremony in the southeastern Isère region, around Grenoble, she refused to shake hands with the presiding senior o ff i c i a l o r a l o c a l politician. In Islamic teaching, handshakes between

unrelated men and women are usually prohibited. The government then denied her naturalisation, saying she was "not assimilated" for avoiding the symbolic ritual.This is one of the reasons the state can deny citizenship to the spouse of a national under the country's civil code.

The Algerian woman called the decision an "abuse of power", but the Council of State has u p h e l d t h e ruling.France's court of last appeal said the government has not "improperly applied" the law. In 2016, a Swiss regional authority ruled

that two Muslim pupils at a Swiss school had to shake hands with their female teacher, or face a fine.Their previous exemption from the tradition had caused outrage in the country.

Muslim groups clean up Huddersfield for New Year


ifty Muslim volunteers have been cleaning Huddersfield's streets as part of a New Year's Day operation. Those taking part included children and elderly members of the

town's Ahmadiyya Muslim Association (AMA) and Muslims for Humanity. Fatihul Haq, president of Huddersfield's AMA, said it wanted to help make the town an "even better place to live in".

Kirklees Council provided the litterpicking equipment. Mr Haq said: "Our members have enjoyed living in Huddersfield for decades so cleaning the streets presents us with an opportunity to [give

back] to the community and teach everyone that cleanliness in Islam is an important part of a Muslim's faith."

Azukhala village in Ekperi town. The team discussed Islam with people of different faiths, male and female across various age groups.

A total of 23 members for the exercise. participated in the exercise. Participants distributed 93 Tabligh materials. Sixty villagers were reached and a total of 90 minutes was used

AMSA Al-Falah calls to Peace


embers of the Ahmadi Muslim Students Association AMSA, Nigeria, AlFalah Islamic Institute chapter, Ekperi, Edo

State, recently carried out a “house to house” preaching where members elucidated the correct teachings of Islam as part of efforts to enlighten the residents on

the true teachings of Islam as being propagated world wide by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at. The outreach was held on the 7th of April, 2018 at

India ends government subsidies for Hajj pilgrimage By Zeenat Saberin

The Indian government has announced the end of a decades-long policy of giving subsidy to thousands of Muslims heading to the holy city of Mecca to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, India's minister for minority affairs, said on recently that the move was part of "a policy to empower minorities with dignity and without appeasement"."Hajj subsidy funds will be used for the educational empowerment of girls and women from minority communities," he told reporters in

Delhi.The decision followed a 2012 ruling by the country's Supreme Court, which had directed the government to gradually reduce the subsidy and abolish it by 2022. The move was welcomed by many Muslim groups in the country."This has been a long-standing demand of the Muslim community in India," Navaid Hamid, president of the All India Muslim Majlis-eMushawarat, an umbrella organisation of several Muslim groups, told Al Jazeera"This subsidy was used for a long time to

denounce the Muslim community, to spread lies that Muslims were being appeased for vote-bank," added Hamid. Starting in 1954, the Indian government has for decades offered subsidies amounting to billions of rupees to poor Muslims wanting to perform Hajj. In 2016, the sum was about $75m, down from about $100m in 2013, according to official data.Muslim pilgrims were given the subsidy through concessionary airline fares. Hajj subsidy was "a major earner for the

national airline, Air India", said Faizan Mustafa, a Muslim scholarand vicechancellor of the Nalsar University of Law."It is Air India that was getting the subsidy," he told Al Jazeera."Some poor Muslims will not be able to afford the journey for Hajj now. But those who are determined to go will still go." Muslims worldwide are expected to go on Hajj at least once in their lifetime - if they are able to. The original argument for the subsidies was that they would help poorer sections of the

community perform the pilgrimage, something that they could otherwise n o t a ff o r d . Ye t , t h e contested policy faced criticism from many quarters, including India's Hindu nationalist r u l i n g p a r t y, t h e Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which has long called it "appeasement for minorities". India, however, also spends significant state funds for other pilgrimages, including the Hindu religious festival of Kumbh. The Hajj subsidy was usedas a "political tool" in the country for

decades, said Kamal Faruqui, a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board."We want to manage our own Hajj affairs, the government should help us. Hajj is compulsory only for those who can physically and financially afford it," he told Al Al Jazeera. The government said that a record number of 175,000 Muslims will undertake the pilgrimage this year. S O U R C E : A L JAZEERA NEWS





Quranic Principles On Information Management, Communication And Control


ne of the serious challenges of our time is the media, and more particularly, the free flow of information in our society. The advent of social media has propelled the seriousness of this matter to a higher level. The problem of media is a challenge today; but it was always there, namely, how do we respond to news and information that we receive through different channels. Beyond any doubt, how we react to this news has a great impact on our life. Most of our attitudes and the shaping of our opinions about different issues and events in society depend on this media. They shape our thoughts and opinions on who we must like and dislike and who we must support and be loyal to and vice versa. Similarly, our perception of what is right and wrong is very much connected to media. Responsibility In Sharing News Has Impact In Shaping Public Opinion Therefore, from very early on, the Holy Quran took this issue very seriously ie. of the influential impact of the media and our response to the news it conveys. Hence, the Holy Quran discusses this topic in great detail and establishes principles and mechanisms of what we are supposed to do in the face of propaganda and the variety of news which we are bombarded with. In fact, the Holy Quran wants to establish a culture of how to respond to the media and news. We cannot be naïve in simply receiving news on face value. According to the Holy Quran, the Islamic society is very sensitive about media and news. Almighty Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran, in verse 15 of Surah Noor (chapter 24): “When you received it with your tongues and spoke with your mouths what you had no knowledge of, and you deemed it an easy matter while with Allah it was grievous.” In simple terms, Almighty

about how erroneous we are when we so easily (without thinking) pass on information for which we have no knowledge of. To bring the message of this verse home, we receive a WhatsApp message, and we simply forward it to our entire contact list without first reading the contents!!! Almighty Allah (SWT) continues in verse 16 of Surah Noor: “And why did ye not, when ye heard it, say? - "It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to Allah! This is a most serious slander!" This verse challenges our conscience of why we did not exercise caution before sharing news we are not certain about. Ignorant Sharing Perpetuates Negative Perceptions About Islam This matter is not only about shaping opinion in socio-political issues. It also enters the territories of religion. An example is when you start giving stories which have no basis, thereby making fun of a belief system. Also, when you think you are supporting a religion, like carelessly forwarding the fake messages which float around of people burning the Quran and then all of a sudden he received the punishment of Almighty Allah (SWT). This is completely untrue and then we think we are supporting the Holy Quran by sharing a lie. AlhamduLillah, the Holy Quran does not need false support! The religion of Islam is based upon logic, reasoning, evidence and intellectual arguments. Islam does not require fictional stories and conspiracies! Perpetuating such behaviour simply advances a negative perception of the low scholarly level of Muslims. We think we will attract people to Islam but instead it has the opposite effect, with people of logic and rationality making a mockery of this narrow thinking. There are some important

the Holy Quran when it comes to receiving news, be it social news, political news, religious news, sports news or whatever other news you can think of. How should we react? There is a 4 step methodology that the Holy Quran prescribes in dealing with news: 1. Take a step back 2. Validate the source 3. Be conscious of mischief-makers 4. Analyse and evaluate the news Step 1: Take A Step Back The first guiding principle which the Holy Quran establishes in this regard is to take a step back when news is received. The Quranic guidance is to not rush to respond and create the incorrect conclusion. The Holy Quran mentions that humanity has a very serious weakness, namely, always in a rush! Verse 37 of Surah Anbiyaa (chapter 21) refers: Man is created of haste Furthermore, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) says in numerous Hadith narrations that the one area where people will destroy themselves is in needing to always be in rush. There is the very beautiful story of Prophet Sulayman (a.s) about the Queen of Saba, where the Holy Quran narrates that there was a beautiful bird (royal informant) which brought the news that the people of Saba (Yemen) do not worship Almighty Allah (SWT) but instead, they worship the sun. How did Prophet Sulayman react to this worrying news? Did he immediately call for war on these people who supposedly do not believe in God? The Holy Quran narrates in verse 26 of Surah Naml (chapter 27) that Prophet Sulayman (a.s) advised that they will not accept on face value. They will wait and see if they are truthful or lying, before jumping to conclusions: Prophet Sulayman said: "Soon shall we see whether thou hast told the truth or lied!” Step 2: Validate The

The second guiding principle which the Holy Quran establishes around media (after advising us not to rush to conclusions) is to look at the source of the news! Whoever brings the news can be biased and thereby influence the news. Verse 6 of Surah Hujuraat (chapter 49 of the Holy Quran) establishes the critical guiding principle of doing your research on the source of the news before accepting: “O you who believe! If an evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what you have done.” This verse is about Walid ibn Aqabah, whom the Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) sent to collect Zakah from a particular region. He did not have good relations with the people of this tribe whom he was sent to collect taxes from. He saw from a distance that these people are coming forward, thinking that they are advancing on him to kill him. So he decided from the distance to rather turn back instead. However, these people were coming forward to welcome him since he is being sent by the Holy Prophet (saw), but remember that Walid's commitment to the Holy Prophet (saw) is fragile at best, so this reaction is not unbecoming of his character! The Holy Quran calls this man a Faasiq (transgressor). Walid ibn Aqabah returns to the Holy Prophet (saw) claiming that these people are rebels and they refused to pay Zakah. Now, the point is that innocent people would have been attacked if the Holy Prophet (saw) had reacted on this fake news from Walid ibn Aqabah! So, the source of news is crucial to understand before accepting or sharing, as it could be influenced by their own agendas. Step 3: Be Conscious Of Mischief-makers The third guiding principle which the Holy Quran establishes around media is to be conscious of

This is a very important issue. The primary purpose of these people is to create chaos in the society. They have ulterior motives and we should not be fooled. There are 2 beautiful verses explaining this in the Holy Quran, specifically verses 204 and 205 of Surah Baqarah (chapter 2): “There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life May dazzle thee, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart; yet is he the most contentious of enemies.” Almighty Allah (SWT) is saying in this verse that there are people who will blow you away with their beautiful speech, while their hearts are polluted with devious intent that only Allah (SWT) is witness to. Verse 205 reads as follows: “When he turns his back, His aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah Lovett not mischief.” Important to note that this is very different from a Faasiq (transgressor) bringing you news, as described above. The person described in these 2 verses is someone who appears as if he is doing reform and has something genuine to offer. So you will be impressed by his speech and be swept off your feet by his ideas. However, you do not know his sinister intentions. Step 4: Analyse And Evaluate The News The fourth guiding principle which the Holy Quran establishes around media is to analyse the news ie. ask yourself - is this news possible? This means that we should analyse the news even after: *1. Taking a step back (criterion 1)* *2. Confirming that it comes from an authentic source (criterion 2), and 3. Confirming there are no ulterior motives (criterion 3). The reason for this is due to the fact that incorrect news could sometimes come from reliable sources too. So, if you study the

the story, you realise that this news is not possible. It is simply not real… Almighty Allah (SWT) explains this in the Holy Quran, in verse 83 of Surah Nisaa (chapter 4), that we should seek clarification from those qualified leaders and Almighty Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (saw) to validate it, before publicising news that we receive. “And when there comes to them news of security or fear they spread it abroad; and if they had referred it to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out the knowledge of it would have known it, and were it not for the grace of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would have certainly followed the Shaitan save a few” The concluding point that I want to draw your attention to is that we require vision and insight when it comes to media and our response. Otherwise, this powerful tool can destroy us politically, socially and even ideologically (Aqeedah). We see this constantly on the different social media platforms, whereby you would receive a good message with the name of, for instance, the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), etc, ascribed to it. However, no reference is made to its source. Ta q w a S h o u l d B e Observed In Sharing Information The Holy Quran is very sensitive about this and we are answerable to Almighty Allah (SWT) for the communications we share. This is again the spirit of Taqwa that needs to be imbibed in every aspect of our lives. Our commitment to Taqwa requires the caution from us when we are dealing with the sharing of information, particularly social media. May Allah enable us to know, understand and practise His guidance




WorldNews Iran Has Banned Teaching The English Language In Primary Schools, Calling The Subject A "cultural Invasion".


he education ministry "envisages strengthening Persian language skills and Iranian Islamic culture of pupils at the primary school stage", its secretary told state media. Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has previously expressed concern about the teaching of English. It is seen as an important skill by many Iranians and is widely studied. English is a foreign language option for many at secondary level, which begins at the age of 12, but its popularity has led to classes being offered by some schools much earlier. "Teaching of foreign languages has not been recommended by any means" at primary level, Mehdi Navid-Adham, secretary of the Supreme Education Council, told the state-run IRIB news agency.

He also said that primary schools which teach English as an extra class outside of school hours were committing a "violation". The ban does not affect foreign-language tuition at

Broadcast and print media in Iran are controlled by the state but include several English-language outlets, including the Islamic Republic News Agency and PressTV.

This move is in line with the supreme leader's antiWestern, isolationist view of the world. He has repeatedly said that teaching English to children from an early age could lead to "western

should be taught other languages like Spanish, French, or eastern languages. President Hassan Rouhani disagrees with him, and has said that knowing English will help young people join the job market. But he had little power to stop the ban. However, it is unlikely to stop families from pushing their children to learn English. Many middle class families already take their kids to independent language institutions after school hours because the methods used to teach English at normal schools aren't very successful. Ayatollah Khamenei laid out his views on the issue in a 2016 speech given to teachers, criticising the spread of English to nursery schools. secondary school or popular A n o t h e r i s o l a t i o n i s t cultural infiltration". He said such developments private institutes which teach measure He says the language of were part of a Western idea of English outside the A n a l y s i s b y R a n a science is not necessarily instilling "thought and educational system. Rahimpour, BBC Persian English and that children culture to the younger

generation of countries". "These remarks do not mean terminating English language teaching at schools, but the main issue is to know our rival and how precisely the opposite party has made planning to influence the country's future generation," he said. The move comes amid significant turmoil in Iran. At least 21 people have been killed in antigovernment protests which began in late December over standards of living. More than 1,000 people are said to have been arrested, including at least 90 students. Ay a t o l l a h K h a m e n e i blamed unspecified external "enemies" for the unrest.

Crossing Divides: Hindus and Sikhs help build a mosque in India


ndia's religious groups have so often clashed, with recent years marred by violence. But a remarkable gesture has helped foster a rare harmony in one village. As mason Nazim "Raja" Khan toiled over the construction of a Shiva temple in a Punjab village, a thought nagged at him.There

he was, a Muslim, building a Hindu temple. Yet there was no mosque nearby where he could worship. "We had no place where we could offer namaz (prayers)," says the 40-yearold. "It wasn't nice for our

relatives when they visited."It rankled, so he raised it with the 400-strong Muslim community in his village of Moom, in rural north India. But they were too poor to afford the land.'Would you give us some land?' Most Muslims in the area do unskilled jobs, such as casual construction work,

while the community's 400 or so Hindus and some 4,000 Sikhs are relatively well-off. Fast forward 18 months with the temple nearing completion - and Raja took an unprecedented step. Earlier this year, he

approached the temple administrators and told them: "You Hindus will soon have your new temple. And you already have an older one. But we Muslims have no place to worship, nor money to buy land. Would you give us a small area of your land?" A week later, he had an a n s w e r. T h e t e m p l e

management had decided to hand over nearly 900 sqft (83 sq m) of vacant land next to their temple. "I was ecstatic," says Raja. "I just couldn't find the words to express my gratitude." PurshottamLal, an

ayurvedic medicine practitioner who sits on the temple management panel, explains: "It was a very genuine demand. It was unfair that while we all share our joys and sorrows together, [the Muslims] didn't have a mosque." Two months on, Raja and a few other masons and labourers are happily building a place where Muslims can worship. The Sikh community is contributing funds for the mosque, which shares its wall with their gurdwara, making for a rare example of communal harmony between the three religions in a land where minorities often complain about victimisation. In recent times, human rights groups have criticised the rise of what they see as an ultra-right Hindu nationalist government. Many say it has created an atmosphere of fear and mistrust between Hindus and Muslims. However, in Moom, it seems the three communities live in a congenial atmosphere. There's no history of tension between them and people of all communities freely visit any

place of worship. Most Hindus go to gurdwaras and some of them wear the turbans usually worn by Sikhs. They also visit homes of the other communities to attend their rituals and functions. Gurdwara priest GianiSurjeet Singh says most functions - such as the Hindu holy recitation, geeta path - are held in the Sikh hall."People don't see this place just as a gurdwara but also that of a get-together point for their social functions," he adds. Bharat Ram, a teacher who's active in temple a f f a i r s , s a y s : " We ' r e fortunate we haven't had political leaders who could polarise us or create the d i v i d e b e t w e e n communities. "There is a brotherhood among people in this village that we have had since ancient times, and it meant we quickly decided to give land for the mosque." The people of Pakistan and India would harbour no grudge with one another, were it not for politicians, he argues. No one seems resentful of the donations of

land or funds. Indeed, many Hindus and Sikhs believe the mosque won't just be for Muslims. "It's for all villagers," they say. Yet, integration has its limitations. Ask them if they would like to see their sons and daughters marry into the other communities and the response is of shock. "Look, brotherhood is one thing. Sikhs and Muslims are different religions," says Sikh panchayat (village council) member Chood Singh. "Such a thing can't be accepted in our village."Bharat Sharma, a teacher and office bearer in the Hindu temple agrees: "This has neither happened in the past nor can it happen in the future." This is a common opinion in India, where even marriage between different castes within the Hindu religion can provoke strong family opposition.But compared with other parts of India, such as West Bengal where communal tensions are high, this village in Punjab appears like paradise. "God is everywhere - be it a gurdwara, a mosque or a temple," says Mr Sharma.




Photos by Nurullah Matepo




Op-Ed Attributes of the month of Ramadhan


he month of Ramadhan carries many special attributes which have been described by no less an authority than the Holy Prophet himself, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Some of these are: (a) The opener of Paradise. Abu Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that from the first night of the month of Ramadhan, satanic forces are chained, rebellious elements are disciplined and the shutters of Hell are drawn without exception. All the gates of Paradise are opened and a crier shouts: O the seeker of righteous deeds proceed, and O the recliner to evil intentions desist. Many sinners are granted amnesty from Hell, and this occurs every night of the month”. (Bukhari and Muslim). (b) Abstention from evil tendencies. Abu Huraira says that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: When Ramadhan arrives the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of hell are locked up and satans are put in chains. (Bukhari and Muslim). (c) Month of Munificent Charity. Ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was the most generous of men and he was at his most bountiful during Ramadhan when Gabriel visited him every night and recited the Quran to him. During this period the bounty of the Holy Prophet waxed faster than the rain-bearing breeze (Bukhari and Muslim). (d) Intercession from Quran and the Fast.Abdallah bin Amar says that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that the fasting and the Quran intercede with Allah on behalf of a servant. Fast shall say: O my Lord, I kept this man from food and other physical comforts throughout the day, so please God, condescend to my intercession on his behalf. And Quran will plead: I



Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria

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kept him away from sleep at night, so please accept my recommcndation for him. Both these intercessions would be carried. (e) Basic purpose of fasting. Abu Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that if one did not eschew falsehood and false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from eating and drinking. (Bukhari). In Arabic language, falsehood includes wrong deeds, illegal means, bribery, adulteration, make believe, musical concerts, etc. (f) Excellence of Fasting over other exercises. Abu Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: A man's good works carry multiple rewards, from ten times to seven hundred times. Allah says: A fast is an exception, for it is observed for My sake and I shall bestow the reward for it. He who observes a fast gives up his passion and his food for My sake. For such a one there are two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord. His breath is purer in the estimation of Allah than the fragrance of musk. The fast is a shield. When any of you is fasting he should eschew loose talk and noisy exchanges. Should anyone revile him or seek to pick a quarrel with him, be should respond: I am observing a fast. (Bukhari and Muslim). (g) RAYYAN chambers of Paradise. Saad ibn Sahl relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: There is a gate of Paradise called Rayyan through which only those will enter on the Day of Judgment who are regular in observing the fast and no one else. A call will go forth: Where are those who observed the fast regularly? and they will step forth and no one beside them will enter through that gate. After they have entered the gate will be closed and no one else will enter thereby. (Bukhari and Muslim). (h) The Holy Prophet's sermon on Ramdhan.Salman the Farasi relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, delivered us a sermon on the last day of the month of Shaaban and said: O people, a great month has dawned upon you, a month of blessings in which there is the LailatulQadr[1] (Night of Decrees) which is better than a thousand months. Fasting during the month is obligatory from God and nightly prayers are voluntary. Anyone who partakes of a good deed in it is like the one who discharges an obligatory ritual in other months. Anyone who discharges an obligatory article in this month is like the one who discharges seventy of them in other months. This was a month of patience and patience has its reward in Paradise. This was a month of reconcilliation and a month in which a believer's wealth was enhanced. Anyone who fed a fasting person at the time of his breaking fast will have his sins remitted, will be shielded from fire and will earn a reward equivalent to that earned by the person who fasted without the latter suffering any diminution. We asked the Holy Prophet that not every one of us could afford to help feed a fasting person. The Holy Prophet replied that this kind of reward would be available even if a little quantity of milk, yogurt or water was offered at the time of breaking the fast. Anyone who fed a satisfying meal to a fasting person would be offered drinks from my springs so that he would never suffer any thirst to the day he enters Paradise. The earlier part of the month was

mercy, its middle remission from sins and the last portion was manumission from fire. Anyone who lightened the work of his servants in this month will have his sins forgiven by God and will find himself saved from fire. (i) Fasting — a peerless act. Abu Imamah relates that he asked the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, for an advice which could be beneficial to him from God, and he replied that he should keep fasts for there was nothing quite like them. (j) Skipping fast without excuse. Abu Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that anyone who did not fast on any of the days of Ramadhan without lawful excuse or illness would never be able to ransom the loss even if he fasted for the rest of his l i f e . The Holy Quran, wisely refrains from defining the terms 'ailing' or 'journey' leaving them to be defined by common usage of the people and the attending circumstances. If doctors do not recommend fasting, one must refrain from fasting. (k) Hypocritical fasting. Abu Huraira relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: Many a fasting person had nothing except the suffering of thirst. and many a person standing in nightly prayers had nothing but suffering sleeplessness — and no reward. There are various kinds of blessings of God Almighty which accrue to a Muslim, both as an individual and as a brotherhood of mankind, when he prays, or fasts, or does both, or gives alms, or performs the Haj or fulfills all these obligations. One apparent difference between prayers and fasting is that in the case of prayers, the ablution (wudhu) becomes void on the ejection of food and water, whereas in the case of fasting, the fast is invalidated upon the swallowing of food and water. For prayers, that which leaves the body, admittedly impure, breaks the wudhu; for fasting, that which enters the body, though wholesome and nourishing, breaks the fast. A person enjoys the true blessings of prayers as long as his 'wudhu' is intact and a good Muslim will always try to safeguard himself accordingly. He will even control his emotions and will not let loose in a fit of anger lest his wudhu be treated broken. He will also endeavour to refrain from listening to lies and backbiting nor permit these evils to enter him lest his fast be broken. Unlike other forms of worship, the discipline of fasting involves abstention, desisting and relinquishing and by its very nature is concealed from human sight, whereas other forms of worship like prayers, giving of alms, pilgrimage are apparent and exposed to human sight. It is an inward act of worship and a method of subduing Satan




L-R: : Head of Department, Arabic and Islamic Studies University of Ibadan, Professor Kamil Oloso; Representative Vice Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Professor Emilolorun Ambrose; Deputy Vice Chancellor Admin, The Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria, Dr. Mash'hud Adenrele Fashola; Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Professor Abideen Aderinto and Professor Titilayo, Ajuwape, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitological, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, when the National Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria visited the University of Ibadan recently. L-R: Circuit Missionary, Monatan, Alhaji Abdul Ghaniy Daramola; Chief Imam Moniya Ibadan, Alhaji Ajadi Alawiye; The Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria, Dr. Mash'hud Adenrele Fashola and Circuit President Akinyele, Alhaji Raji Adewale, , when the Amir and his entourage visited Ibadan and Akinyele Circuits.

L-R: The Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party, Sir Vince Cable MP, The World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Mazroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V and Sir Edward Davey MP, during a courtesy visit to the Khalifa at the Baitul Futuh Mosque London. L-R: Representative of the awardee (Yusuf Ali SAN) Mr Abdul Rasheed Usman, Missionary In-charge Afzal Ahmad Rauf , The Amir Dr. Mash’ud Fashola and the Naib Amir Nothern Region Dr. Yaqeen Abeeb at the 2018 National Peace Symposium in Abuja.

: L-R: Imam Dr. Barry Adetunji; The Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria, Dr. Mash'hud Adenrele Fashola; Chief Imam Ibadan land, Alhaji Abdul Ghaniyu Abubakar; and Imam Abdul Fatai Adio, when the Amir and his entourage paid a courtesy call to Chief Imam in Ibadan Oyo State.

L-R: President Agege Circuit Bashirudeen Towolawi, the Amir Dr. Mash’ud Fashola at the Commissioning of Agidigbin Mosque in Lagos.

Manager ICT Imran Adeyemi, Principal Jamia Nadeem Ahmad, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Abdul Waheed Adeoye, Missionary in- charge Afzal Ahmad Rauf , and the Amir Dr. Mash’ud Fashola during the commissioning of E-Library at Jamia tul Mubashireen Ilaro.

Some members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Abuja during a courtesy visit to the Emir of Bwari Alhaji Muhammed Awwal Ijakoro.

Photos by Bayoor Isa Ewuoso




HolyVerses The Holy Qur’an O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do. (Holy Qur’an 5 vs 9 )


s the word "Qawwam" means one who perform his work thoroughly and ceaselessly, the expression, be steadfast in the cause of Allah, would mean that Muslims should take a firm hold of the commandments of God and carry them out completely and thoroughly and should never become lax or negligent. The words, bearing witness in equity, mean that the Faithful should bear practical witness to the truth of Islam by becoming good Muslims and leading good lives in order to become examples for others. They also signify that the Muslims should convey the message of Islam to others and thus become witnesses for them. As, however, propagation of Islam implies contact with other

peoples, the verse fittingly ends with the commandment, let not a people's enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. Surely no other religion gives such fair and just teachings about its enemies as does Islam. A true Muslim should act justly not only to other Muslims but also to all non-Muslims even to those who are enemies of Islam. The words, And fear Allah, surely Allah is aware of what you do, contain a stern warning that the just and equitable treatment of the enemy enjoined above should not be by way of show but should proceed from the heart and be based on the fear of God, from whom nothing is hidden.

Hadith Sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw)


bu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet said: Charity is incumbent upon every human limb every day on which the sun rises. To bring about just reconciliation between two contestants is charity. Helping a person to mount his animal, or

to load his baggage on to it is charity. A good word is charity. Every step taken towards the mosque for salat is charity. To remove anything from the street that causes inconvenience is charity (Bukhari and Muslim)

Malfoozah Sayings of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as)


efore you say something, you should think over it well and try to understand what the consequence of saying that thing is going to be. You should also be sure whether Islam permits you to say that or not. Unless you have thought over in this vein you should . not say anything. It is better to keep silent if the talk has to create disorder. But this also does not behove a Believer that he should hesitate to tell the truth. He should not mind the taunts of the people nor should he fear anyo1te to tell the truth, or to bear a witness in favour of the truth. Look at the Holy Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam. When he Claimed to be a prophet, everybody began to oppose him but he did not mind the opposition even for a moment. So much so that when the people pressed his uncle Abu Talib and he talked to him (the P.rophet) about this matter, the Holy Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam, told him point blank that he would not desist from preaching what he thought was true whether he would side with him or not. Just as

it is vitally important that one should not say anything that is displeasing to God, so also it is essential that one must talk when it comes to telling the truth. Ya'moroona bil ma'roof wa yanhauna ani(munkar (i.e. they tell others to do good and not to do evil. deeds). This is what . behoves Believers. Before one tells others to do good and to shun evil, it is vitally important that one should himself be doing good and avoiding evil; he should display his power to do good so that he can influence others as he likes. You should take note of it that the tongue must never be checked from telling others to do good and to avoid evil. Of course, one must take note of the appropriate occasion and one must talk in a very nice manner i.e. one must talk in kind and simple words that can be easily understood. It should be noted that it is a great sin to talk against Taqwa. (Malfoozat Vol. 1, p. 404)




Features Health Benefits of Ramadan Fast and the Importance of Intermittent Fasting Barakat Giwa Akinsiku


ll praise is due to Almighty Allah. The holy month of Ramadan is here again and as we prepare in earnest for the holy month, it is pertinent to remind ourselves what makes this month so special. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and the month during which Muslims are enjoined to observe the fourth pillar of faith,Sawm (fasting). It is also the month during which the Holy Quran was first revealedto Prophet Muhammad(SAW) on the Night of decreeas we read from Quran Chapter 44 Verse 4 Truly, we revealed it in a blessed night Truly, we have ever been warning And The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran Was first revealed as a guidance for mankind Wi t h c l e a r p r o o f s o f g u i d a n c e a n d discrimination. Therefore, whosoever of you is present at home in this month Let him fast therein. (Quran Chapter 2 Verse 186) Thus, Ramadan is a time during which Muslims seek to get closer to their Creator, a time for spiritual reflection, increased devotion and worship. During this period, all Muslim men and women who are fit and in good health are expected to abstain from food and drinks from dawn after the Sahoor Meal till sunset where they have the Iftar (breaking of fast). They are also expected to stay away from sexual intercourse and all forms of falsehood and indecent behaviours during the fast. Devout Muslims are instead expected to increase their acts of piety like charitable deeds, regular observance ofSalat including the Voluntary Tahjudd andTaraweeh as well as expand theirstudy of the Holy Quran. While children attaining the age of puberty are encouraged to join in the fast, the elderly, sick, pregnant women and nursing mothers are exempted from the fast. Women having their menstrual flow and travellers on a journey are also exempted from the fast but are expected to complete the same number of fasts at a later date. The last ten days of Ramadan are considered to be the holiest and all acts of piety are to be stepped up in the search for LaylatulQadr the glorious and best of nights. The Month of Ramadan thus holds immense spiritual benefits for Muslims. However, that's not all. There are also numerous health benefits accruing to Muslims who observe the fast. Nowadays, it is not surprising to find researchers and health buffs promoting the art of intermittent fasting. It is a fad currently being touted as a weight loss(slimming) strategy and a powerful dietary intervention. So what is intermittent

fasting? Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term for various diets that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting. It is a restrictive dieting method that alternates periods of increased calorie intake with that of minimal calorie intake. Intermittent fasting is an ancient and time tested tradition for maintaining optimal health and spirituality. The prophets of God from Prophet Musa (Moses), Prophet Isa (Jesus) down to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) all fasted at various times in their lifetime. Hippocrates (c460- c370 BC) the father of modern medicine advocated the practice of fasting in one of his famous quotes “To eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness” The ancient Greeks were also ardent proponents of fasting as the famous Greek historian Plutarch (cAD46-cAD120) wrote “Instead of using Medicine, better fast today.” There are several methods of intermittent fasts fashioned by nutritionists and health buffs, some of which include: The 16/8 Method: Breakfast is usually skipped everyday with an 8 hour feeding window starting from noon till about 8pm. The Eat-Stop-Eat Diet: In this method, one to two 24 hour fasts are carried out each week such as fasting from dinner one day till dinner the next day; sort of similar to voluntary Muslim fasts on Mondays and Thursdays or alternate day fasting with the absence of the Sahoor meal. The 5:2 Diet: Here, dieters ingest about 500-600 calories on two days of the week whilst eating normally the other days. Ramadan Fast is also an intermittent fast with a fasting window of about 12-hours starting from dawn after Sahoor meal till sunset when the fast is broken. By nature, our bodies undergo a natural fast after dinner till day break. This is why the first meal of the day is called break-fast. It is also the reason why nutritionists advocate for a very light meal at dinner- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince but dinner like a pauper. That way the efficiency of the body's digestive system will be better improved and managed. Fasting is the oldest and most powerful dietary intervention. Normally when we eat, more calories are ingested than our body can immediately utilize. Some of these are stored away for later use with the hormone insulin playing a key role.The excess glucose calories are converted into glycogen and stored in the muscles where they can easily be called on in the event of work or any physical activity. However, the storage sites on the muscles are limited. Hence if you have taken in way excess calories than your body requires and the muscle storage space is used up, your body goes into a Plan B mode- converts the excess calories into fat

in a process called lipogenesis and stores them in the adipose tissues and fat storage cells around the body. The bad news is these fat storage sites are in abundance as there is no limit to the amount of fat your body can store. Rather you just keep expanding and packing on the pounds till maybe you decide to hit the gym or go on a diet or remain content being obese and overweight. Fasting has proven to be effective against weight loss. When we fast, the metabolic processes of the body undergo several changes which make it easier to burn stored fat. Human growth hormone(HGH), a hormone that promotes fat loss and muscle gain increases while insulin levels decrease.1Also the nervous system sends nor epinephrine(adrenalin) to fat cells to stimulate their breakdown to fatty acids that can be burned for energy. One of the salient benefits of intermittent fast in weight loss is that unlike other forms of dieting, intermittent fast has been shown to drastically reduce the muscle loss that occurs with restrictive diets in weight loss regimens since it is almost impossible to spot-reduce fat. In a recent study2 25% of weight loss obtained from muscle atrophy was observed in subjects placed on regular diet regimens compared to 10% muscle loss in subjects placed on intermittent fasting. Other health benefits of Intermittent fasting include the detoxification and cleansing of the body systems, improvement of mental clarity and concentration as well asthe loweringof blood insulin and sugar levels. Others are reduction of inflammation, improved digestive function anda reversal to some degree of type 2 diabetes. It has also been proven to boost heart health and promoteneuronal autophagy, a process where cells repair themselves and recycle waste products and which the brain is highly dependent on. From the above, it can be concluded that Ramadan fast is a highly beneficial process, not just spiritually but mentally and physically and as we carry out our fast in all reverence and piety, it is our wish that Almighty Allah increases our Iman and makes us better Muslims, Amin. Ramadan Kareem! References 1. Longo V.D, Mattson M.P (2014) Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications. Cell Metab. pp181-192 2. Varudy K.A (2011) Intermittent versus Daily Calorie Restriction: Which Diet Regimen is more Effective? Obese Rev Jul 12(7) 3. Holy Qur'an Surah Al-Dukhan Verse 4 Holy Qur'an Surah Al




News Leader Of Liberal Democrats Visits Baitul Futuh Mosque To Meet Head Of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


n F r i d a y, 5 January 2018, the Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party, Sir Vince Cable MP visited the Baitul Futuh Mosque where he met the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim C o m m u n i t y, H i s Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V. Also present at the meeting was Sir Edward Davey MP. During the meeting, held after His Holiness had delivered his weekly Friday Sermon, His Holiness expressed his grief and sorrow at the continued suffering of the people of Yemen, as a result of the continued warfare. His Holiness said that great cruelties were being inflicted and millions of people, including young

children, were dying of hunger. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “ T h e r e i s a humanitarian crisis taking place in Yemen and so a huge effort to help the innocent people is required. In this respect, Ahmadi Muslims are engaged in efforts to provide food and necessary supplies to the people according to our reach and capabilities. It is my hope that Governments and politicians also endeavour to help end the suffering of those people.” Deeming the situation as ' tragic', His Holiness continued: “Great cruelties are taking place in Yemen and we should be clear on the fact that cruelty is cruelty no matter who is

the perpetrator. Thus, whoever is inflicting such miseries and injustices should be condemned.” During the meeting, His Holiness condemned the world's arms trade, which he said was fuelling wars around the world. Upon being asked by Sir Vince Cable if he had any message or theme that he would like politicians to focus upon, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “My message is always the same – that we must all work for the common good and peace through love, compassion and justice. This is the great challenge of our time and we cannot give up.” Also discussed during the meeting were the current state of British and American politics, as well as the continued ramifications of Brexit. Following the

” conclusion of their audience with His Holiness, Sir Vince Cable and Sir Edward Davey were given a tour of the Baitul Futuh Mosque complex by Rafiq Ahmad Hayat, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK. In an interview with MTA News following the

visit, Sir Vince Cable said: “It is very important that we have a spiritual leader from the Muslim faith ( Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad) here in the UK who preaches peace and harmony. It is very important, as I think there are probably a lot of British people who have been led to believe that

Islam is violent and have a very negative perception of it, and so I think what His Holiness is saying is a very powerful antidote to that view.”

70% of young Brits are 'not religious' By Shiona McCallum (BBC news)


early three-quarters of young Brits identify define themselves as non-religious.The figures were a s h a v i n g n o r e l i g i o n , a r e p o r t published in a report called Europe's Young Adults suggests.Researchers asked the religious and Religion - which was a collaboration between St Mary's University in London and the Catholic University of Paris. The figures are based on data from the most recent European S o c i a l Survey, in 2014 and 2016. People across 21 views of people aged 16 to 29 across Europe. European countries and in Israel were asked if they They found young people in the Czech Republic are consider themselves to belong to any particular the least religious - with 91% of that age group saying religion or denomination. they have no faith at all.The most religious country in It found nearly two-thirds of young people in the UK Europe was Poland, where just 17% of young adults never pray, and 59% never attend religious services

apart from special occasions.Professor Bullivante, a professor of theology and the sociology of religion at St Mary's University in London, lead the report. He says lots of young people won't have entered a church since their baptism and only go to church for events like weddings and funerals. "For a large proportion of people who have been baptised, they have little family religious engagement after that, even for those attending faith schools."Their parents and grandparents might have received a sufficient enough 'dose' of religion during their upbringing to still affiliate as such later in life, very few of today's young adults have had any serious connection with religion at all," he tells Newsbeat. Professor Bullivant predicts even fewer young people will be religious in the future, but says those who do practise will be even more devout. "Over the next 10 to 20 years, we're near certain to see a rise in the proportion of people with no religion across the UK."This is just a simple outworking of the fact that those do identify as religious, tend to be older, and - sad to say - are dying off.Of course, there are plenty of exceptions, but that's the overall big picture trend," he says.




Features The Israeli-Palestinian Crisis: Why the Global Muslim World must now Align with the Mahdi-Messianic Force Al-Hafiz Yunus Omotayo

Introduction An array of both immediate and remote factors stimulated this piece. In the early days of December, 2017, the news of US President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the political Capital of Israel went viral on both conventional and social media. [1] Expectedly, this has not only sparked tensed debates and mixed reactions at various circles, but has also further heightened the tension in the region, while cases of violent clashes in some quarters leaving tens of Palestinians wounded have dominated some newspapers headlines. [2] Remotely, over the centuries, particularly, both the 20th and the 21st, the Middle Eastern IsraeliPalestinian region has been a hotbed of incessant inter-racial, inter-religious and international crises, conflicts and wars the ominous impacts of which have not only bedeviled the socio-political conditions and landscape of the region, but have also polarized the larger world with resultant jeopardy to global peace and harmony. Historically, the bone of contention in the IsraeliPalestinian crisis initially was: who are the rightful aboriginal owners of the Holy Land of Palestine: the native Arab Palestinians or the Jews? The debates, the crises and the wars on this question spanned the centuries, in fact, the millennia, which preceded the modern 20th century. Then, during the course of some historical moves made by certain EuroAmerican powers backing the Zionist movement from roughly the late 19th to almost mid-20th centuries, the issue shifted to: why should or should not the Jews in the Diaspora be re-settled and granted statehood in the Holy Land? Subsequently, since the Euro-American sponsored UN's creation of the State of Israel in 1948 till date, the incessant crises and wars have been revolving around not only the issue of: why should or should not the Arab Palestinians be granted autonomous statehood status in the Holy Land, but also: what geographical area should or should not the boundary of such a state cover? This is the crux of the monster. Importantly, “the essence of this case”, as Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad maintained, “is that a conspiracy of the Western powers, in which the defunct League of Nations and subsequently its successor, the United Nations actively participated and the government of Britain and the U.S. played the pivotal role, resulted in the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine which no standard of justice, international law, or the Charter of the United Nations would have sanctioned. They could not have moved a step towards the creation of Israel without the active connivance of these powers. Anyhow, this fateful decision was taken and, ever since, this region has been a scene of armed conflicts and a hotbed of international intrigues.” [3] Observably, one emerging fact from the above is what Professor Ismail Raji Al-faruqi referred to as a “three-cornered affair, involving the Muslim World, Western Christendom and the Jews.” [4] However, there is no gainsaying the fact that none of the three worlds locked in the crisis can be seen to have been

pathetically victimized and bedeviled by its devastating consequences much more than the Muslim-dominated Palestinian camp. Little wonder that Al-Faruqi further starkly declared that “the problem of Israel confronting the Muslim World today has neither precedent nor parallel in Islamic history. The Muslim World has tended to regard it as another instance of modern colonialism, or at best, as a repetition of the Crusades. The difference is not that Israel is neither one of these; but that it is both and more, much more.” [5] Notably, the past decades have seen a number of

Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud-Din Mahmud Ahmad noted, “shows that it was foretold in the Book of Moses that the Israelites would disobey and defy divine commandments twice and twice would they be visited with punishment. The word al-Kitab [the Book] here means, the Book of Moses – the Bible.” failed peace processes initiated by the Superpowers as well as numerous never-to-be-implemented UN's resolutions on the crisis. Woeful developments which many observers believed are largely due to the fact that their initiators are themselves the masterminds of, and complicit in, the whole monster. Similarly, the decades of Palestinians' strategic resort to suicide bombings or martyrdom operations have merely always left the Palestinians with greater devastating consequences. Now, as the conundrum further exacerbates and the Palestinians stand at a crossroad where future prospect seems almost not foreseeable, the selfimposing questions confronting the Palestinians, in particular, and the global Muslim World, in general, are: what should be the next ultimate strategic move? Should the Palestinians continue to look outwardly towards the Western or Eastern Superpowers or the UN for solution, or chart an inward-turning towards exploiting any available Islamic-oriented strategy? In the light of the above exigency, by exploring the available Islamic Scriptural and Prophetic guidance on the issue, this piece will propose an inwardturning approach that exploits available Islamicoriented strategy as the only ultimate formidable strategic move to successfully confront and decimate the age-long conundrum. The Age-Long Most Disputed Land of Palestine

The land of Palestine, located in the Middle East, witnessed the first recorded form of civilization in human history in the city of Jericho that was established ten thousand years ago. Ever since, it was inhabited by the Canaanites and the sea immigrants named Philistines who integrated with them later on. [6] The land, previously known as the land of Canaan, took the name of the new settlers and came to be known as Palestine. [7] Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham] came to this land around the year 1900 B.C.; in narrating this story the Torah called the area “the Land of Canaan”, admitting the existence of a civilization on the land prior even to the coming of Prophet Ibrahim, the great grandfather of Arabs and Jews. His grandson, Yaqoob [Jacob] or Israel], from whom Jews descended migrated with his children from the land of Canaan to Egypt, where they stayed until 1250 B.C. in which Moses took them to the Holy Land.[8] The history of the Jews in Palestine started during this period, between 1250-1000 B.C., but they managed only to settle in few areas around Al-Quds [Jerusalem] and in the north. From that time, the reign of Prophets Dawud [David] and Sulayman [Solomon] started, marking the real beginning of Jewish reign over Palestine. The reign of the two Prophets lasted only for 80 years [1004-923 B.C.] [9] It was thereafter invaded by the Assyrians, the Romans, the Jews, the Moguls, and the Christian crusaders. Since the seventh century, most of its population [the descendants of the ancient Canaanites] embraced Islam and joined successive Muslim rule until 1917, the year of the collapse of the Ottoman State, when Palestine came under the British Mandate that undertook to facilitate the realization of the Zionist dream of creating Jewish home in Palestine. [10] From the above, it is glaring why the whole Holy Land, particularly, Jerusalem, is of huge socioreligious and historical importance to both Israel and the Palestinians. It contains sites sacred to the three major monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Prophecies and Fulfillments – A Combined Reading of both the Scripture and Cosmic Events Any objective endeavour to exploit Islamicoriented strategy to confront the Israeli-Palestinian crisis should begin from an objective assessment that focuses on a combined reading of both the scriptural references and cosmic events. The isolation of the two would invariably lead to futile effort on the part of those who venture into it. As Malik Badri noted in his foreword to Jerusalem in the Quran, “The Zionists have continuously referred to distorted scriptures from the Torah and other Biblical material to justify their atrocious behavior and to motivate the Jews to establish a State of Israel that extends from the Nile to the Euphrates with Jerusalem as its capital. For example, David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, is quoted to CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE





The Israeli-Palestinian Crisis: Why the Global Muslim World must now Align with the Mahdi-Messianic Force have said, “The Bible is our deed to the land of Israel”. Muslim scholars, on the other hand, have largely failed in refuting Zionist claims from authenticated historical and religious sources and have also failed to accomplish their religious responsibility in clearly documenting this question from the Holy Qur'an and the Blessed Ahadith of our beloved Prophet (PBUH).” [11] The Quran's Recap of the Grand Prophecy It is amazing to note how the Holy Quran made very striking prophecies about both remote and the current cosmic events of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. Firstly, the Quran declares: “And We revealed to the children of Israel in the Book, saying, 'You will surely do mischief in the land twice, and you will surely become excessively overbearing.” [Quran, 17:5] “This verse”, Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud-Din Mahmud Ahmad noted, “shows that it was foretold in the Book of Moses that the Israelites would disobey and defy divine commandments twice and twice would they be visited with punishment. The word al-Kitab [the Book] here means, the Book of Moses – the Bible.” [12] Accordingly, we can find the referred Moses's warning to the Jews in Deut. 28: 15; 49-53; 63-64. The First Destruction and Exile of the Jews “So when the time for the first of the two warnings came, We sent against you some servants of Ours possessed of great might in war, and they penetrated the innermost parts of your houses, and it was a warning that was bound to be carried out.” [Quran, 17:6] Making reference to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Bashirud-Din maintained in his commentary of the Quran that the first disaster befell the Israelites after David, and the second after Jesus. It appears from the Bible that the Jews had become a very powerful nation after Moses and in the time of David they laid the foundation of a mighty kingdom which continued to flourish for sometime after his death in its old might and glory. Then it fell prey to gradual decay and about 733 B.C. Samaria was conquered by the Assyrians, who annexed the whole of Israel north of Jezreel. In 608 B.C. Palestine was ravaged by an Egyptian force under Pharaoh Necho and the Israelites came under Egyptian sway. In the reign of Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made his first invasion of Palestine and carried off some of the Temple vessels, but the city was spared the rigour of a siege. In 597 B.C., also the city was invested and fell victim to a severe famine. The rebellion of Zedekiah, however, caused a second invasion in 587 B.C., and after a siege of a year and a half, the city was taken by storm. King Zedekiah fled from the city but was taken prisoner. His sons were slain and his eyes were put out and he was bound in fetters and carried off to Babylon. The Temple, the King's palace and all the great buildings in the city were burnt down, the chief priests and other leaders were put to death and many people were carried off in captivity. [13] The First Return of the Jews from the Diaspora “Then We gave you back the power against them, and aided you with wealth and children, and made you larger in numbers. Now, if you do well, you will

do well for your own souls; and if you do evil, it will only go against them…..” [Quran, 17:7] Again, citing authorities like the Historians' History of the World and the Jewish Encyclopedia, Bashirud-Din showed how the Jews fared well in exile. Most of them were employed on public works in central Babylonia and many among them eventually gained their freedom and rose to influential positions. Their faith and religious devotion were renewed; the literature of the kingdom was studied, re-edited, and adapted to the needs of the reviving community, and the hope of restoration to Palestine was preached and cherished. About 545 B.C., This aspiration took a more definite form. Cyrus, King of Media and Persia, had by this time attained to dominion over the whole uplands of Asia as far as the shores of the Aegean Sea. The Jews made a secret agreement with him and helped him to conquer Babylon. The city surrendered to his army without resistance in July, 539 B.C. As a reward for their services Cyrus permitted the Jews to return to their country, and also helped them in the building of the Temple. In 538 B.C. Cyrus proclaimed the rebuilding of the Temple as his divine mission but the work was not started till the following year. The Judean, Sheshbazzar (a Governor under Cyrus) brought back to the Temple vessels which Nebuchadnezzar had carried away and prepared to undertake the work at the expense of the royal purse. A large body of exiles returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 1: 3-5). The work of rebuilding the Temple steadily progressed and it was completed in 516 B.C. [14] The Second Destruction and the Exile of the Jews “So when the time for the latter warning came, We raised a people against you to cover your faces with grief, and to enter the Mosque as they entered it the first time, and to destroy all that they conquered with utter destruction.” [Quran, 17:8] This verse speaks of the Jews' second relapse into iniquitous and evil ways and of the punishment which befell them in consequence. They persecuted Jesus and sought to kill him on the Cross and stamp out his Movement. So God afflicted them with a terrible punishment when in 70 A.D. the Roman forces under Titus swept the country and amid circumstances of unparalleled horror Jerusalem was destroyed and the Temple of Solomon was burnt down. [15] More precisely, as Dr. Saleh's History of Palestine shows, the Romans controlled the area in 63 B.C. They kept the Jewish autonomy over Jerusalem intact until 6 A.D., when they assumed direct control over it. The Jews revolted between 6670 A D, but the Romans brutally suppressed this revolution and destroyed Jerusalem and its new Temple built by Herod. The Jews revolted again and for the last time in 132-135 A.D. The Romans responded more aggressively aiming to end any possible future instability to be brought by the Jews. They destroyed the City that they replaced by a new one built over the area and called it Aelia Capitolina. They placed the statue of Jupiter, the Roman god, over the ruins of the Temple of Herod. By this time, the effective Jewish presence in Palestine came to an end. …from that time, 135 A.D. and until the

beginning of twentieth century, the Jews did not have any form of physical ties with Palestine or Jerusalem. [16] The Jews' Second Return from the Diaspora in the End Time The Holy Quran declares thus: “And it is an inviolable law for a township which We have destroyed that they shall not return. Until when Gog and Magog are let loose and they shall hasten forth from every height.” [Quran, 21: 96] One possible way to paraphrase the above verse is: and it is an inviolable decree upon Jerusalem Township which has been destroyed that its exiled citizens [the Jews in Diaspora] shall not be re-settled back in the Holy Land until the emergence of and facilitation by the Gog and Magog Superpowers who shall dominate all spheres of world affairs. The historical development analyzed below should justify this interpretation. As mentioned in the foregoing lines, Palestine, and Jerusalem in particular, was thoroughly destroyed and its citizens, the Jews, exiled in 135 A.D. and scattered abroad where they continued to face further exiles in the Diaspora from one clime to another: they were turned out of Portugal and Spain. They were driven out of England in 1290. They were twice pushed out from France, once in 1306 and again in 1394. They were exiled from Belgium in 1370 and from Zcechoslovakia in 1380. Holland drove them out in 1444, and Italy turned them out in 1540. Germany pushed them out in 1551. Russia exiled them in 1510. [17] And modern history has documented the 20th century anti-Semitic Holocaust perpetrated by the German Nazi government. Thus, for almost two millennia, was fulfilled the divine decree that the Jews shall not return to the destroyed township of Jerusalem. However, as the context of the above Quranic prophecy shows, the exile of the Jews was destined to continue until the appearance of the Gog and Magog nations who would facilitate their resettlement back to the Holy Land. This however raised some intriguing questions like: who are the Gog and Magog and have they appeared? If they have, has the prophecy of the resettlement of the Jews in the Diaspora through their effort been fulfilled?

TO BE CONTINUED Hafiz Yunus Omotayo is a Hafizul Quran, an Islamic Missionary and the National Secretary of the Majlis Ansar Sultanil Qalam of Nigeria (Muslim Writers Guild of Nigeria)




Children’sCorner Start of Preaching and the First Believers in Islam.


fter his proclamation as a prophet of God, the Holy Prophet (saw) started preaching secretly. Hadrat Khadijah was evidently the first to declare faith in him. then his freed slave, Zaid, his cousin, Ali (about eleven) and his childhood friend, Abu Bakr accepted Islam. These were followed by Hadrat Uthman bin Affaan, Hadrat Abdur-Rahman bin Auf, Hadrat Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqaas, HadraZubair bin al-Awwaam, Hadrat Talhah bin Ubaidah and more. The preaching in secret continued for about three years. Then, under divine guidance, the Holy Prophet (saw) started preaching openly and to his own tribe Quraish. He advised the people of Mecca to worship only one God, set free all the slaves, and be Kind to the poor, the poor and the slaves of Meccans were attracted to the Islamic teaching which established their right in the society. However, the rich and their chiefs rejected his message and started persecuting and torturing the new convert, especially the slaves. Among these, were Umar bin Hash-shaam (called Abu Jahal), Abu Lahab (prophet's uncle), Abu Sufyaan and many others.

valley of Sha b-abi-Talib and their complete boycott was declared. The Holy Prophet's and some other Muslims were among them. During this period all supplies of food were cut off. These Terrible situation lasted for Four years. The Year of the Grief and Visit to Taa'if In this year, both his wife Khadijat and his uncle Ab Talib passed away one after the other. The Holy Prophet was much grieved due to these two great personnel losses, and called this year "The Year of the Grief". The Holy Prophet was even more disturbed when he saw that, in Mecca, nobody paid attention to his preaching at that time. He decided to go to Taa'if, a small town near Mecca, for preaching his Message. There, too, he faced extremely difficult situation- vagabonds and street boys pelted him with stones and drove him out of the town.

Emigration to Abyssinia (Habshah)


In the fifth year of the Prophet's mission when tyranny towards the Muslims reached its climax, he advised his followers to seek in a foreign land, when a small party of Muslim (14 men and women) migrated to Abyssinia. There, they were given refuge by the Christian King named Negus (Najashi), despite opposition from the Quraish. Next year, another group (101 men and women)of Muslim emigrated to Abyssinia, where they stayed peacefully until the Holy prophet's emigration to Medina. The Muslim Besiege. In the sixth year after prophet hood (A.P), two highly influential person Hadrat Hamzah and Hadrat Umar bin Khattab embraced Islam. This Important event brought high support to the Muslims. However, the Quraish took it as a turning point for the spreading of the Prophet's influence. They decided to punish the whole has limited clan (Muslims and non -Muslims). They were besieged in the






























D W R H I C S H P R O E A V I D E S B N A A T U R A S L R C A M O U S A R T E T F L A G E Clues

Find the words about freshwater tropical fish in the fish word search grid. Circle each letter separately but remember that letters on the word search grid may be used in more than one tropical fish related word. When the Freshwater Tropical Fish Word Search puzzle is complete, read the remaining letters from left to right, top to bottom, for a cool fact about a freshwater tropical fish. ANGELFISH, KILLIFISH, BARBS, LOACHES, BETAS, MOLLIES, BICHIR, ODDBALL FISH, CATFISH, PLATIES, CICHLIDS, PLECOS, DANIOS, RAINBOW FISH, DISCUS, RASBORAS, GOURAMIS, SWORDTAILS, HATCHETS, TETRAS

Name: __________________________________________________ Age: __________________________ Gender: __________________ Muqami/City: ____________________________________________ Parent’s Phone Number: ___________________________________




The Friday Sermon A summary of the Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V

Taqwa and our relationship with Allah

The Promised Messiah (as) says: “Why will there be any strength in your conviction and divine insight if you do not increase your knowledge? You will counter feelings of doubtfulness and suspicion over petty matters which might result into shaking your foundation.” Hence, as the Promised Messiah (as) has advised us to contemplate and ponder over the Holy Qur'an, similarly we should also focus our attention to reading his books and increase our religious knowledge. In the manner, we should also endeavor to establish a relation with Khilafat. In this regard, we should form a connection with the Khalifa of the time through the blessing of MTA and should attain benefit from all his programmes. This is a great resource and every Ahmadi should seek benefit from it. Whilst directing our attention to express mutual love and affection towards one another and understanding each other's suffering and fulfilling due rights, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “Hence, it should be a practise of ours that we assist our weaker brethren and become a support for them. What a great calamity it would be that if there are two brothers, one from among them knows how to swim, but the other brother does not, would it not be the responsibility of the former to save his brother from drowning, or would he let him drown? It is incumbent upon him to save him from death. That is why the following has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an: And help one another in righteousness and piety” The Promised Messiah (as) then says: “No community can be deemed one community until the stronger ones support the weaker ones. This can only take place when one covers the faults of others. Instead of disclosing the faults of others you should look to conceal their shortcomings. …, it is vital for elders to treat their youngers [brethren] with respect and show them kindness. Remember, a Jamaat cannot be deemed as one if they consume one another; [i.e.] if four friends sit down together, one of them complains about a brother who is poor.” It is not possible for one to consume another. Here the word 'consumed' is used in the context mentioned by God Almighty where he has stated that stealing and speaking ill of your fellow brethren is akin to eating the flesh of your dead brother. Thus, do not look at the weaknesses of others and instead focus on their positive traits. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “A community cannot be deemed as one community which consume each other and when four people sit down together, they complain about their poorer brother, and they point towards his shortcomings and highlight them, then also look down upon poorer and weaker members of the community with disdain and dislike. Rather, strength lies in unity and becoming one, which increases mutual love and blessings.” The Promised Messiah (as) says: “One should not severely scold the other over trivial matters, which become a source of

causing the other grief or can be disheartening for them.” Further elaborating on brotherhood and compassion, the Promised Messiah (as) advises us by saying: “Our community cannot flourish until we truly have compassion for each other.” If we wish to progress and thrive then we must show each other true compassion. We should use all our capacities and love those who are weaker. Whosoever has the strength should harbour love for those who are weaker. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “I often hear that an individual saw another person stumble and rather than extending him courtesy, that person looks at him with abhorrence and disgust. However, he should have prayed for that individual, then through love and compassion he should explained to him the issue politely. However, instead of this they increase in their malice. If one does not demonstrate forgiveness and show compassion, the matter will only worsen, and the consequences will be grave.” The Promised Messiah (as) says: “I have great expectations from God Almighty as He has promised: That is, I will place those who follow thee above those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. …. These are days of weakness and they grant the opportunity to each and every one to bring about a reformation in themselves and improve their condition. To lament one another, hurt one's feelings, to injure one's sentiments by use of harsh language and to consider the weak and humble as lowly people is a sin. …. Thus, it is the duty of the poor to respect their honourable brothers, and it is the duty

of the rich to help the poor and not consider them lowly and despicable. That is because they are brothers with one another, even though their fathers are not the same but ultimately the spiritual father is the same for all and they are the branches of the same tree.” For our reformation, the Promised Messiah (as) has exhorted us to read the book, Noah's Ark, and has repeatedly urged us to read it. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “I have told my Community on numerous occasions to not to merely rely on their Bai'at [oath of initiation] with me. Until you do not reach the depth of its essence you cannot attain salvation. One who simply relies on the exterior aspects is bereft of the essence”. If we will not follow the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as), we certainly will not derive any benefit from these teachings. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “You should regularly study [the book], Noah's Ark and act according to it. Verily, he truly prospers who purifies himself. (87:15). There are thousands who are guilty of committing theft, adultery, immorality, drinking alcohol and lead an evil life and yet they claim to be from among the followers of the Holy Prophet (sa), but can they truly be considered as followers? Certainly not. A true follower is one who adheres to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (sa).” Reciting the book, Noah's Ark to the members of the Jama'at and urging them to read this book, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “In Noah's Ark I have presented my teachings and it is essential for everyone to be aware of them, even if it be that every city's Jama'at organises a Jalsa and read this out to them. … in this way it will not only propagate the message but also establish unity amongst the Jama'at which we seek to instil in them.” Therefore, while arrangements should be made to read this out in the Jama'ats, there should also be arrangements for it to be read out on MTA. Everyone should make this a part of their lives. One should read this themselves as well and make an effort to adhere to it. In regard to saving oneself from sins and outlining the qualities of a true Ahmadi, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “Your duty now is to occupy yourself in supplication, Istighfar [seeking forgiveness], worshipping the Almighty and the purification of one's inner self … Save yourself from every kind of malice, grudge, backbiting, arrogance, vanity, the overt and hidden forms of impiety, indolence and negligence. Remember, ultimately it is the righteous who are granted success just as God Almighty states: and the end is for the God-fearing. Therefore, one should greatly reflect upon trying to become righteous, for ultimately the end is for those who are righteous.” May God Almighty enable us to become true Ahmadis and follow the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as). May we fulfil the due rights of God Almighty and attain His pleasure. May we become those who bring about a reform in our practical condition and pay attention towards increasing our religious knowledge and also fulfil the rights of fellow mankind. As I have alluded to before that during these days in particular pray for the condition in Pakistan and those residing in Pakistan should also pray a lot for themselves. May God Almighty protect them from every form of evil. You should also pray for the world in general as well as they are rapidly heading towards war. Both Russia and USA are busy in preparations and in reality, they both want to establish their superiority but the excuse given is that they wish to protect the rights of those being oppressed. In fact, in the guise of seeking to restore the rights of the oppressed which also consists of Muslim countries they want to destroy the Muslim countries. Therefore, may God Almighty guide the Muslims. May God Almighty also destroy those terrorist organisations who are committing atrocities in the name of Islam and may He guide both parties. Above all, may He enable them to recognise the Imam of the age because without this there is no other way for them to be saved. May God Almighty guide them and may the Muslims instead of being a part of this oppression they propagate love, affection and brotherhood according to the true teachings of Islam and fulfil the due rights of God Almighty.




News Stop blaming only Muslims for the World's Problems CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

de-escalate tensions. Urging mankind to shy away from everincreasing materialism and to promote equity and justice for all, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“If we are to leave behind a legacy of hope for our children, and bequeath a peaceful world to our future generations, we, irrespective of our religion or beliefs, need to urgently change our priorities. Instead of being consumed by materialism and a desire for power, every nation, whether rich or poor, must prioritise the peace and security of the entire world above all else. Instead of embarking on an arms race, leading to death and destruction, we must join the race to save and protect humanity.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:“Instead of shutting down borders and ports in warring countries, causing for innocent children to be left starving and the sick being deprived of medical treatment, we must open our hearts to one another, knock-down the walls that divide us, feed the hungry and help those who are suffering.”. Condemning all forms of extremism carried out in the name of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“Even though so-called Muslim terrorists claim to act in Islam's name, I do not believe that we are witnessing a religious war; rather, the wars being fought, and atrocities committed, are only for geopolitical gains. The so-called Jihadi terrorists and extremist clerics serve only to tarnish the name of Islam and undermine the efforts of the vast majority of Muslims who are peaceful and lawabiding citizens.”“Whilst I accept that the evil acts of some Muslims have greatly damaged society, I do not accept that it is only Muslims who are to blame for the volatility of today's world… Suffice to say, that now is the time that humanity distanced itself from the notion, that only Muslims are to blame for the problems in the worldHis Holiness concluded by presenting the example of the Founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).His Holiness described the brutal persecution faced by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his followers in Makkah during the early period of Islam. For example, Muslims were martyred, were made to lie on burning coals and Muslim women had their bodies strewn to camels that were made to run in opposing directions. Referring to the example of the Prophet

of Islam (peace be upon him), upon returning victoriously to Makkah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned victoriously to Makkah, he did not take a single drop of blood in revenge; rather, according to the command of Allah the Almighty, he proclaimed that all of his tormentors and all those who had violently opposed Islam, were to be instantly forgiven. He declared that under Islamic rule, all people would be free to practise their own religions and beliefs, without any interference or cause for fear. His only condition was that each member of society remained committed to peace. He instructed that all people, no matter their caste, creed or colour, were to have their rights protected and be treated with respect at all times.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:“This was the timeless and magnificent example of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) and it is this spirit of compassion, grace and mercy that Muslims and non-Muslims need to adopt in the world today. It is this spirit of forgiveness and benevolence that all nations, whether large or small, rich or poor, need to develop. Only then will long-term peace be attainable.” Prior to the keynote address, various dignitaries spoke about the importance of striving for peace and religious freedom in the world. Rafiq Hayat, the National President of

the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK sai“The notion of 'us versus them' sows the seeds of division rather than unity. Our message to all who spread hate is clear, extremism and terrorism will not succeed and that through means of cohesion and unity we will defeat it.” Dr Aaron Rhodes, renowned Human Rights activist, co-founder Freedom Rights Project and President of the Forum for Religious Freedom Europespoke about the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan.Dr Aaron Rhodes said:“I am gravely worried about the situation of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and other countries. You are a community being punished for your moral and social achievements. You insist on political freedom for all, but are denied the right to vote and other citizens rights unless you forsake your most cherished, sacred vows. You stand for the rule of law, but endure murder, torture and discrimination, as perpetrators enjoy impunity and are encouraged and protected by state authorities. You believe in religious freedom but are denied the right to profess your faith and risk prosecution if you defend yourselves. You are demonised, ostracised and marginalised.” Dr Luigi de Salvia, Vice President of the World Conference of Religions Europe for Peace said:“This symposium that you organise annually, since 15 years, is one of the most important

meetings in our continent. It is dedicated to reflection of risks and commitment related to the common good… I want to express all our fraternal solidarity to the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, victims of persecution, perpetrated by religious extremists. We will always be at your side in defending religious freedom of expression.” Mrs. Angelina Alekseeva, the representative of Dr Leonid Roshal, recipient of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace, said:“It is very important for everybody to make every possible effort to strengthen worldwide peace in his own way… Dr Roshal has come to the decision to hand his award to a charitable fund which helps children with severe consequences of brain traumas and spinal traumas.” The event concluded with a silent prayer led by His Holiness. Both before and after the proceedings, His Holiness met personally with various dignitaries and guests and held a press conference with members of media

The Truth “And say, Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away; falsehood does indeed vanish away fast.

“Every morning should be a witness for you that you spent the night with righteousness, and every evening should testify for you that you went through the day with the fear of Allah in your heart.” - The Promised Messiah

Holy Qur’an 17:82

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Lays Foundation Stone for New Administrative Block at Baitul Futuh Mosque


n 4 March 2018, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad laid the foundation stone for the new administrative block at the BaitulFutuh Mosque complex in Morden.The administrative block, which will include multi-purpose halls, offices and accommodation facilities, is being rebuilt after a fire in September 2015 caused widespread damage at the site. Shortly after leading the Asr prayer at the Mosque, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad laid the foundation stone at the site. Thereafter, the respected wife of His Holiness, HazratAmtulSabooh Begum also laid a stone, followed by several central and national representatives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim

C o m m u n i t y. T h e e v e n t concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. In his Friday Sermon following the fire, on 2 October 2015, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “It is essential for a true believer to understand the true meaning

of patience. Patience does not mean that a person cannot feel regret or pain over a loss. Rather, it means that he or she should not be overwhelmed and consumed by despair to such an extent that they lose their senses and any hope.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: “Of course, some regret is normal, but alongside it, a person should seek to recover and to make a firm resolution to attain even greater heights in future. Thus, in the face of this trial, we should pledge and prove from our actions that we will successfully pass through this period with patience and

by prostrating before Allah the Almighty.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “As I mentioned before, a lot of damage was sustained during the fire. However, God willing, we will soon build an even better and more beautiful building and we will be the ones who sincerely say Subhan'Allah (Holy is Allah) and Masha'Allah (With the Will of Allah).” The reconstruction work is due to start shortly and it is expected that the building will be completed within two years.

L-R: President Sagamu Jama’at Dr Faiz Adeko, President Remo Circuit Sarafa Olawale, Circuit Financial Secretary Abdulmajeed Abdullahi, the new Akarigbo of Remoland His Royal Majesty Oba Adewale Ajayi, Muallim Abdusalam Oladipupo of Sagamu jamaat, Muallim Bisiriyu Idris Remo circuit missionary and Odusanya of Sagamu jamaat, during a courtesy visit to the Oba's palace recently.

The Truth Published by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria and printed by Raqeem Press. Office: Km. 27, Abeokuta Expressway, Ojokoro, Lagos State. TELEPHONE: 09051133553; ADVERTS: 07068820428; CIRCULATION: 08027382429; EMAIL:; EDITOR: ABDULGANIYY ADIAMOH. All correspondence to P.O. Box 418 Lagos 100101. ISSN 0311 5975

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